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"Dear Betty"





"Dear Betty" -- Letters from Helen Dawe and Betty Youngson, 1980, Page 3

The deterioration of the ferry service is noted. A plan to save Rockwood Lodge is underway. Betty's detailed recollection of Rockwood's roof, floor plan, and guests is mined.

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May 19, 1980

Dear Betty,

Today is overcast, grey and showery but yesterday's weather was glorious for Sechelt's Timber Days parade and May Queen crowning.


June 29, 1980

Dear Helen and Bill,

Gosh it was nice talking to you last night, Bill.

July 23, 1980

Dear Betty,

The great news is that the Chamber of Commerce has purchased Rockwood.


Aug. 10, 1980

Dear Betty,

This is really a letter about Rockwood Lodge, but first of all let me give you the election results.


Aug. 13, 1980

Dear Helen and dear Bill,

How nice it was to get your letter this morning along with Rockwood news and your news as well as the interesting clippings.




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