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"Dear Betty"





"Dear Betty" -- Letters from Helen Dawe and Betty Youngson, 1979, Page 1

The fate of Rockwood Lodge hangs in the balance. At Helen's urging, Betty recalls details of a murder near Egmont in the 1930s. Helen sends Betty sea urchins and makes a successful pilgrimage to Snake Bay, where she and Betty picked apples in their youth. Clayton's expanded store is reported to be 'enormous, vast, huge.'

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Jan. 6, 1979

Dear Helen, Dear Bill,

Paul St. Pierre really exceeded himself in this one and I thought you might enjoy it.

Jan. 9, 1979

Dear Betty,

Thank you for all the gorgeous information about the Benyon murder, together with Rena Sutherland's address.

Jan. 13, 1979

Dear Helen,

You're a real doll for sending me the sea urchins -- just the right size, so carefully packed.



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