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"Dear Betty"





"Dear Betty" -- Letters from Helen Dawe and Betty Youngson, 1979, Page 2

The fate of Rockwood Lodge hangs in the balance. At Helen's urging, Betty recalls details of a murder near Egmont in the 1930s. Helen sends Betty sea urchins and makes a successful pilgrimage to Snake Bay, where she and Betty picked apples in their youth. Clayton's expanded store is reported to be 'enormous, vast, huge.'

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Feb. 26, 1979

Dear Helen and dear Bill,

I vowed that I would not see the end of this month without at least making a start in the letter I've been wanting to write you for days.

Apr. 1, 1979

Dear Betty,

You and Gordy will soon be off on your gorgeous vacation.

June 19, 1979

Dear Betty,

How appalled I was to hear from Billie that you have undergone still another surgical procedure.

June 23, 1979

Dear Helen and Bill,

This is by no means intended as an answer to you lovely and most interesting letter duly received yesterday.

July 28, 1979

Dear Helen (and Billie of course xx),

I was so pleased to hear from you last month, and talk to you during Billie's phone call to me -- it was just the icing on the cake and something I never expected.



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