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"Dear Betty"





"Dear Betty" -- Letters from Helen Dawe and Betty Youngson, 1975, Page 1

A new bird sanctuary (now known as Sechelt Marsh) is created at Porpoise Bay. Sechelt gets a new junior high school (Chatelech) as well as a ' self-serve' liquor store. The road to Port Mellon is paved.

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March 22, 1975

Dear Betty,

The photo of the rock flowers on your Easter card makes me envious; the blossoms are so prolific in such a paucity of earth. Did they remind you of pink sea blush on the local cliffs?

Apr. 28, 1975

Dear Helen,

I was so pleased to get your letter about a month ago also the beautiful Easter card which we all greatly enjoyed. It is always nice to catch up on the news from your end.

May 7, 1975

Dear Betty,

The lads and lasses in the postal unions seem to be threatening another general strike, so I am trying today to catch up with correspondence in spite of the fact that the sun is shining and inviting me outdoors.



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