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"Dear Betty"





"Dear Betty" -- Letters from Helen Dawe and Betty Youngson, 1980, Page 2

The deterioration of the ferry service is noted. A plan to save Rockwood Lodge is underway. Betty's detailed recollection of Rockwood's roof, floor plan, and guests is mined.

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Apr. 8, 1980

Dear Helen,

Mother was thrilled with your lovely "Robin" card as I knew she would be. Thank you so much again for such a kind thought.

Apr. 12, 1980

Dear Betty,

The poetry of your description of Grandma Nickson's spring garden almost made me weep.

Apr. 16, 1980

Dear Helen, I sure made a class "Boo Boo" in my last scrawl to you.

Apr. 21, 1980

Dear Helen,

Thank you for your kindness in sending me the Rockwood clippings (pre-Elementary School times) received this morning and also the official form.

Apr. 23, 1980

Dear Helen,

Just another scrap of a note to enclose with these few pictures I thought you might like.



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