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"Dear Betty"





"Dear Betty" -- Letters from Helen Dawe and Betty Youngson, 1976, Page 2

A controversy over sewers comes to the fore.Changes to Sechelt's waterfront dismay Helen and Betty alike. Helen salvages a wood splinter from a decaying Sechelt landmark and mails it to Betty. Helen's devoted search for photos and information on Sechelt's people and places continues apace.

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Apr. 20, 1976

Dear Betty,

Your Easter card is a breath of spring, and in this chill, damp season we need reminders that summer is on the way. When I read your "recipe" for the maple leaf egg to Ada she sent you the enclosed leaf which she picked up from President Kennedy's grave.

May 30, 1976

Dear Helen,

Here it is, over a month since I received your most welcome and interesting letter and old slow-poke me is just getting around to answering. Please forgive.

June 26, 1976

Dear Betty,

PERSONAL: It is too bad that we do not know which day in July your mother was born. Will you be kind enough to hold the enclosed card and give it to Mrs. Youngson on her birthday.

Aug. 13, 1976

Dear Betty,

If this letter leaves Sechelt on Monday it will be trucked out by Julie Steele Clarke. The man whom the contractor employs as his relief driver on Mondays and Tuesdays broke his leg and Julie earns $35.00 per day for the two days until the invalid returns.

Aug. 17, 1976

Dear Helen,

How nice it was to have your letter yesterday -- especially so as I know I owed you one -- so I look up this as an extra special and lovely "Bonus."



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