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"Dear Betty"





"Dear Betty" -- Letters from Helen Dawe and Betty Youngson, 1980, Page 1

The deterioration of the ferry service is noted. A plan to save Rockwood Lodge is underway. Betty's detailed recollection of Rockwood's roof, floor plan, and guests is mined.

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Feb. 25, 1980

Dear Helen and Bill,

I am looking at your Christmas letter and it's hard to realize it is so long ago.

March 25, 1980

Dear Betty,

Thank you for your thoroughly delightful letter of Feb. 25 and my humble apologies for not replying earlier.

Apr. 3, 1980

Dear Betty,

Thank you for the charming Easter card from all the family. The glorious weather of the past few days does indeed make one feel that the world might be reborn.



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