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"Dear Betty"





"Dear Betty" -- Letters from Helen Dawe and Betty Youngson, 1977, Page 1

Helen shares tips for overcoming insomnia. Betty sends Helen an ashtray with historic Sechelt connections. Helen hears from two former Sechelt one-room school teachers. Former neighbours visit Sechelt after a long absence and remember trails where now there are roads.

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Feb. 18, 1977

Dear Helen,

So sorry to take so long to answer your most welcome letter but I haven't been feeling so hot lately.

Apr. 2, 1977

Dear Betty,

A skein of geese has just flown noisily north along the shoreline of Trail Bay, low in the sky.

June 5, 1977

My dear Helen,

Just a few lines to enclose with a few books I have had since I was 18 years old. (From Jessie Youngson.)



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