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6.5.30 1906-1910 -- Rear View of Herbert Whitaker's Buildings Looking out to Trail Bay down Wharf Road the buildings from left to right are the third store and post office, erected in 1906, with two top floors added as an annex to the first hotel on the far right. After the 1914 fire burned down the first hotel this became the second hotel which also burned down in 1936. The small building between the trees on the wharf is a shed, the building to its right is Herbert Whitaker's first store and post office which may have been the first building on Trail Bay outside of the Sechelt Band Reserve buildings. The second store and post office with outside stairway to the upper floor existed in 1902 and perhaps as early as 1899. It became the first school in 1912 and first telegraph office later that year then it was incorporated into the fourth store built around 1915 or 1916. The last building on the right was Sechelt's first hotel opened on July 1, 1899. A west wing, added around 1910, almost doubled the original size. The hotel burned down on June 1, 1914. The low building behind the hotel was a heating plant. The ditch on the left side of the road was a drainage ditch as the land behind the buildings was a bog where cranberries grew profusely. Photographer unknown. See also oversize photograph 6.15.25